There are two primary states for the Kundalini.
- Dynamic
- Static
The static state referes to the Kundalini as being in a dormant state (ie asleep in western term). I prefer to use the term dormant rather than asleep. To me the kundalini could not be asleep but in reality is merely in static state. When the kundalini moves from a static to a dynamic state it is refered to as Kundalini awakening.
The word Kundalini has been derived from “Kundal” meaning coiled. This power is symbolized by a sleeping serpent with his tail in its mouth. Kundalini is a force within the human brain that activates the chakras and it is first felt at the base of the spine in the first root chakra. The speed of Kundalini is more than that of the speed of light.
The Indian system of awakening Kundalini is one such discipline which is supposed to provide high levels of physical, mental, and spiritual energy. There are five branches of Yoga; Hatha Yoga, Kundalini yoga, Laya Yoga, Raj Yoga and Samadhi Yoga. The process presents a backward journey towards God.
The awakening of Kundalini leads to a total transformation. It is a way to stay fit for life. On a physical plane all body cells and components get charged with life force resulting in their efficient functioning. On a mental plane it starts transforming your thought process for betterment. On spiritual plane it unites you with God consciousness. Many seers have called Kundalini by many names such as kula Kundalini, tapasvini nagini and bhujagana etc.
Some say that kundalini is identified with the right Vagus nerve (not the left). The Vagus or tenth cranial nerve is connected with the hind brain. In fact, there are three kinds of Kundalini within the body-Prana Kundalini, Chit Kundalini and Para Kundalini. There are four ways in which the Guru awakens the Shakti; by touch, word, look and thought. The first method is initiation through touch, called sparsha diksha. The second method of initiation is through word, or mantra diksha. The third method is called drik diksha, initiation through a look. The fourth way is initiation by thought, called manasa diksha.