Formerly GN Reiki Meditation center

Author : gnrmcpkr

Transformational Yoga

Transformational Yoga is an integral approach to physical health, emotional balance, and mental and spiritual clarity founded and created by Swami Vidyanand, a renowned yoga master.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a preparatory process of yoga. The word “ha” means sun, “ta” means moon. “Hatha” means the yoga to bring balance between the sun and the moon in you, or the Pingala and Ida in you.

Kundalini Signs and Symptoms

Kundalini energy exists one inch below of Muladhar Chakra at a place called Kanda. Its shape is triangular. There are three views as regards to location of Kundalini.

Three Energetic Pathways

Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis are psychic channels for the distribution of prana in the astral body. In human physiology, the two nadis of Ida and Pingala correspond with the two…