Formerly GN Reiki Meditation center

Micro Reiki Healing Session

Reiki Micro World is a beautiful non touch energy healing technique, (i.e. touching the client is not required during the healing session). This technique is generally used for removing any type of severe or mild pain in body within the healing session of just three and half minutes.
In this process ring finger of the right hand is used by the healer with the help of a sacred image and sacred mantras for empowering energy to the required part or organs of the body. Anybody can feel the direct empowerment of infinity energy and experience the deep level healing within a very short period of time. Also, it is equally effective in distant healing sessions too.
This is also a beautiful design of healing system gifted via SADGURU SATYANANDA (DR. S.K. SAINI) for mankind and humanity. Reiki Micro World Healing technique use our natural body brain intelligence, to reveal the causes of disease, thus helping to heal emotional, psychological and physical problems and balancing the body energy through muscle testing and message.

  • Time: 30 minutes / Pricing: US$ 20